Kelly has been married to Matthew for three years and they have two-year-old twin daughters, Sasha, and Sara. For the most part, things have been great between the two. When arguments happen, they are resolved before they go to bed. They have worked and prayed through their trust issues and are in a much better place now. Kelly and Matthew equally share the responsibilities of the household which means that both husband and wife are able to take time out for themselves. Despite the peacefulness, Kelly still feels things could be – better between them. She feels a little bored by the routine of everyday life and while her and Matthew have a healthy relationship, she wishes he would take more initiative. When they are together, they volunteer at their church or spend a great deal of time bonding with their daughters.
In this scenario, a lot of things are working well in their relationship but while they spend a lot of time together, what might be missing in their relationship is dating. It appears that dating stopped after the two tied the knot.
Dating in a relationship is important. When one partner plans a date night, it demonstrates to the other partner that quality time is desired and vital. It is a gesture of love that can be beneficial to the relationship. Spontaneous date nights (or date mornings and afternoons for that matter) can be seen as acts of kindness and thoughtfulness which may keep the relationship fresh. They are also an opportunity for a couple to build new memories and milestones and improve on their communication. Kelly and Matthew are devoted to their work in the church and their girls and they should also demonstrate a devotion to each other.
If you and your partner are seeking a new beginning and you need guidance, couples counselling, and life coaching, speak to me today about starting a New Chapter in your lives!
Kevin Ufoegbune